Creative Activities

The project includes a capacity-building residency for artists, teachers’ training on green
awareness and digital skills and 15 workshops for primary school children in 4 schools located across the four cardinal points of Europe (Adana/Turkey, Berlin/Germany, Akureyri/Iceland, Ceuta/Spain.
Creative activities are planned to enhance artists, teachers and children’s connection to nature around the four key elements: Earth, Air, Water, and Fire using storytelling and digital training.


(for artists and experts)

Three days of capacity building residency in France with one storyteller, one visual artist expert in sound design, and one musician per country together and experts in digital animation, soundtrack productions, green awareness and the four elements to prepare the development of the project.


Teacher digital training
(for primary school teachers)

Three days of training workshops on digital skills in Adana/Turkey, Berlin/Germany, Akureyri/Iceland, Ceuta/Spain.


(for primary school children)

15 workshops in each school for 100 children coming from migrations and/or vulnerable backgrounds enrolled in schools located across the four cardinal points of Europe (Adana/Turkey, Berlin/Germany, Akureyri/Iceland, Ceuta/Spain)

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