Green Tales Team gathers for the Project Kick-off Meeting in Brussels

On April 16 and 17, the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation (IYMF) warmly welcomed in Brussels the members of the consortium of the Green Tales project for the first transnational meeting. Funded by the Erasmus+ programme, the project involves primary school children in creating nature-themed stories with the help of artists, musicians, and visual artists, promoting environmental awareness and digital skills.

United in Collaboration and Vision for the Future

The gathering brought together partners from Germany, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Iceland, Turkey, and Belgium, creating an interesting mosaic of skills and a strong sense of trust and cooperation. This diverse team includes artists, university professors, and experts in music, environmental studies, and digital technology. Through the magic of tales, primary school children in Europe will beautifully discover the vital importance of water, fire, air and earth for the environmental preservation of our planet.

Day One: Administrative and Financial Setup and Dissemination Strategy

The first day kicked off with administrative tasks led by Bianca Rubino, Project Manager of Green Tales, with the support of Lucía del Pico Carmona and financial tasks led by Bernard Carmon, the IYMF financial expert. In the afternoon Cinzia Laurelli from the European Fairy Tale Route and Baharan Naseri from Panodyssey shared communication and dissemination strategy, introducing everyone to the vibrant Panodyssey Community.

Day Two: Artistic and Educational Focus and Evaluation

The second day was dedicated to the world of artistic and educational content. Yann Bonin, a maestro of animated film, and Thierry Van Roy, the project’s brilliant music producer, unveiled the digital techniques that will bring Green Tales to life. Meanwhile, Dina Sensi lent her expertise to ensure continuous and insightful project evaluation, ensuring the initiative’s success in every step of the way.

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