

The GREEN TALES project aims to enhance green awareness education for underprivileged children in Europe through arts and digital tools. It involves 100 children (primary school) and 12 artists from Spain, Germany, Iceland, and Turkey creating 8 short stories with drawings, sounds, music… on the 4 elements (earth, air, water, fire) and 1 final animated movie that will bring together a synthesis of the 8 short stories. The project includes a capacity-building residency for artists, teachers’ training on green awareness and digital skills, workshops with children and a toolkit for teachers and guidelines for artists. Children and artists will present their work in schools, with recommendations for holistic green awareness teaching through artistic practices. The project boosts European diversity and talent, aiming to broaden networks and disseminate results within educational and environmental spheres.

Green Tales is a pioneering project led by the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation, dedicated to developing illustrated children’s tales in the form of animated movies. These tales, created by children in primary classes across four different countries, are brought to life with the expertise of artists, storytellers, illustrators and sound/music producers.

This project represents a vital step to empower children towards building a future where humanity lives in harmony with the natural world.


Green Tales is an initiative implemented internationally aiming at enhancing children’s connections to nature through storytelling around the four key elements: Earth; Air, Water, and Fire. By engaging in creative activities led by artists, children develop awareness and respect for the environment, fostering imagination and ecological consciousness using digital tools for creating green tales. Primary school teachers in four countries will participate in a training workshop to upskill their digital skills.

The project objectives:


Reinforce social inclusion

of children in the primary schools of Europe through the multidisciplinary artistic creation strengthened by digital technologies.


Facilitate understanding

of environmental issues through artistic exchanges, making vulnerable children aware of nature and its respect through storytelling, illustration, and sound/musical productions.



with additional skills to work with children in the field of social inclusion, green awareness, and digital technologies.



with innovative artistic approaches in the field of social inclusion, green awareness, and digital skills.


Encourage intercultural exchanges

and promote the diversity of European cultures through artistic practices with children, artists, and teachers, discovering different points of view on the same theme with different sensitivities, fostering openness and crossing of perceptions, highlighting cultural identities reflected in the tales.


Elaborate recommendations

for other MUS-E associations to use the educational tools produced within the project.


Elaborate recommendations

addressing specific priorities in the field of school education.


Disseminate the project results

to new partners for the possible introduction of MUS-E methodology to new countries beyond the IYMF’s Network.

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